1.1 - Advances in observation, classification and mapping of soils
Conveners: Lucia Anjos (UFRRJ/BR) and Jacqueline Hannam (Cranfield University/UK)
a) Challenges in observation, classification and mapping of soils
Erika Micheli (Szent Istvan University/HU)
b) Advances in observation and mapping of soils
Alfred Hartemink (University of Wisconsin/USA)
c) Soil classification: from Dokuchaev to a comprehensive sequential quantitative centroidal system
Alex McBratney (The University of Sydney/AU)
* Dan Yaalon Award Ceremony
2.1 - Microbial and nonmicrobial products for multi-use (agriculture, urban, industries, etc)
Conveners: Fátima Souza Moreira (UFLA/BR) and Jerri Zilli (EMBRAPA/BR)
a) Exploiting the biotechnological potential of microorganisms genomes.
Eric Triplett (UF/USA)
b) Contribution of biological nitrogen fixation andPGPR for profitable environment-friendly agricultural Production. Graham O'Hara (MU/AU)
c) Legislation of microbial and nonmicrobial products for agricultural use.
Hideraldo Coelho (MAPA/BR)
3.1 - Soil fertility management and the African Green Revolution
Conveners: Bernard Vanlauwe (IITA/KE) and Rebbie Harawa (AGRA/KE)
a) Scaling Integrated Soil Fertility Management Practices in Africa: The experience and lessons from the
Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
Rebbie Harawa (AGRA/KE)
b) Different approaches to increase productivity and fertilizer use efficiency
Patrick Mutuo (UF/USA)
c) The science of agronomy at scale.
Keith Shepherd (ICRAF/KE)
4.1 - Soil organic matter to secure food and water and the 4 per 1000 initiative
Conveners: Beata Madari (EMBRAPA/BR)
a) The '4 per 1000 initiative'.
Claire Chenu (FR)
b) ‘4 per mille’ a global persepctive.
Budiman Minasny (University of Sydney/AU))
c) Agroecological transitions to promote biodiversity conservation and provision of ecosystem services.
Heitor Teixeira, UFV/WUR, BR))
1.2 - Soil data and information for smarter land management
Conveners: Peter Wilson (CSIRO/AU) and Noel Schoknecht (SSA/AU)
a) Soil Information: A global treasure for delivering food production and agricultural sustainability impact.
Richard Bell(MU/AU)
b) Soil data exchange standards, development and implementation perspectives from the Oceania regional soil partnership.
Peter Wilson (CSIRO/AU)
c) The Global Soil Information System (GLOSIS) – progress and application.
Bas Kempen (ISRIC, NE)
2.2 - Interactions between physical, biological and chemical processes in soil
Convener: Stephan Peth (UK/GE)
a) Extrapolation of chemical, physical and biological properties and functions from micro- to the macro-scale
Rainer Horn (CAU/GE)
b) The power of the soil on microbiome function and interaction
Eiko Kuramae (NIOO/NE)
c) Spatial distribution of soil microorganisms within their habitat
Ellen Kandeler (UH/GE)
3.2 - Sustainable soil management
Conveners: Pedro Luiz de Freitas (EMBRAPA/BR) and Julian Dumanski (WB/CA)
a) Soil carbon management and global environmental services and soil health.
Don Reicosky (Morris/USA)
b) Contributions of zero tillage for sustainable soil management – Brazilian experiences in adopting ZT/CA and integrated systems.
John Landers (Brasilia/BR)
c) Relation of CA to healthy farms and healthy landscapes.
Rafael Fuentes Lanillo (IAPAR/BR).
4.2 - Soil Education and public awareness
Conveners: Eric Brevik (US) and Fabiane Vezzani (UFPR/BR)
a) TRIL: Let’s frame the soil education scene?
Damien Field (University of Sidney/AU))
b) Soil education in Latin America.
Laura Berta Reyes Sanchez (UNAM/MX) and Cristine Muggler (UFV/BR))
c) Which Public? Audiences of soil communication from an arts and humanities perspective.
Alexandra Toland (DE))
1.3 - Pedodiversity and biodiversity
Convener: Budiman Minasny (The University of Sydney/AU) and Ellen Kandeler (UH/GE)
a) How soils reflect biodiversity on Earth through geologic time
Curtis Monger (USDA-NRCS/USA)
b) Soil microbial diversity as controlled by pedodiversity in New South Wales, Australia
Vanessa Pino (The University of Sydney/AU)
c) Mapping, understanding and predicting soil microbial diversity across France
Nicolas Chemidlin Prévost-Bouré (INRA Dijon/FR)
2.3 - What is hidden in soil water data or databases?
Convener: Birl Lowery (UW/USA)
a) Application of PTF for diagnostics, monitoring and predictions in Brazil.
Javier Tomasella (CEMADEN/BR)
b) HYBRAS Hydrophysical database for Brazilian soils: experiences, challenges and perspectives.
Marta Vasconcelos Ottoni (CPRM/BR)
c) A global database of soil infiltration data: status and perspectives
Harry Vereecken (Agrosphere/DE)
3.3 - Sustainable P fertilizer use in tropical soils
Conveners: Paul Withers (Bangor University/UK) and Vinicius de Melo Benites (Embrapa Soils/BR)
a) Poor p use efficiency and novel fertilizers - when can the latter mitigate the former?
Michael McLaughlin (University of Adelaide/AU
b) Comparing phosphorus legacies in temperate and tropical soils
Tom Bruulsema (IPNI/USA)
c) Transitions to sustainable management of phosphorus in Brazilian agriculture
Luciano Gatiboni (UDESC/BR)
4.3 - Paradigm change in soil science: utopia or reality?
Conveners: Guilherme Sobrinho (Lapsiafro/UFRRJ/BR) and Alexandra Toland (DE)
a) From soil properties to soil functions and beyond: paradigm change in soil science?
Thomas Sauer (NLAE/USDA/US))
b) Producing a dynamic soil information system for society. Are we ready?
Charles W. Rice (Mary L. Vanier University/US))
c) Cultural patterns of soil understanding.
Nikola Patzel (IUSS/DE))
1.4 - Functional land management: managing soils from ped to planet
Conveners: Rogier Schulte (Wageningen University/NE and Erika Micheli (Szent Istvan University/HU)
a) Integrating land use planning and water governance in Brazil
Victoria Ballester (University of São Paolo/BR)
b) Ecosystem services sustainable management at the agricultural frontier in Brazil
Moderated Prof. Rogier Schulte (Wageningen University/NE)
2.4 - Advanced techniques in soil mineralogy and biological process in mineral formation
Convener: Valdormiro Souza-Junior (UFRPE/BR)
a) Recent advances on XRD-based techniques applied to soil minerals studies
Bruno Lanson (Earth Sciences Institute/FR)
b) Improvements on soil mineral studies based Synchrotron radiation techniques
Donald L. Sparks (University of Delaware/USA)
c) Mineral-life interaction in soil environment
Francisco Javier Cuadros (The Natural History Museum/UK)
3.4 - Agricultural management for soil health to support a growing population
Conveners: Tom Bruulsema (IPNI/USA) and Luis Ignácio Prochnow (IPNI/BR)
a) Effective and efficient nitrogen management to support the pillars of sustainability
Roberto Norton (IPNI Australia)
b) Phosphorus availability in soils - biological, chemical and physical approaches for a sustainable agriculture
Paulo Sérgio Pavinato (USP/BR)
a) Potassium: A Newcomer to Soil Health and Sustainability Discussions?
Scott Murrell (IPNI/USA)
4.4 - Soils, Society and Culture: people´s connections to soil.
Conveners: Nikola Patzel (IUSS/DE) and Cristine Muggler (UFV/BR)
a) Soil, make the invisible visible.
Christian Feller (IRD/FR))
b) Soil Ethics – Soil Care, Beliefs and Values.
Sabine Grunwald (University of Florida/US))
c) Sacred Ploughing and Soil: The Peasant Sovereign in Eastern India.
Milinda Banerjee (LMU/DE and Presidency University/IN))
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Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (SBCS)
Departamento de Solos - Edifício Sílvio Brandão, s/n
Cx.P. 231 - Campus da UFV CEP 36570-900 - Viçosa-MG
Fone: +55 31 3899-2471 - sbcs@sbcs.org.br; www.sbcs.org.br